Chapter 3
Objectives of the
- To
more a more perfect union
- To
establish justice
- To
insure domestic tranquility
- To
provide for the common defense
- To
promote the general welfare, and
- To
secure the blessings of liberty
Major Factors
Creating Longevity of the Constitution
The separation of powers of each branch of
Checks and balances including a recognition that
a simple majority vote may not be enough of a majority
A built in elastic clause as part of Congress’s power
A reserved power clause giving the states power
not delegated to the national government
Rights guarantied to the citizens
Precedents and traditions creating an unwritten
Judicial review growing out of an interpretation
of the power of the Supreme Court
An amending process which is flexible enough to
allow for change even though it involves more than a majority vote
The inherent powers of the president
Legislative Powers
- Connecticut
Compromise created a bicameral legislation : House and Senate
- States
cannot pass term limit restrictions
- 435
members based on 10 year census
- 1
member per 550,000 people
- “shadow”
representatives for D.C and Guam
- Each
state gets a minimum of two representatives
- Baker
v. Carr “one man one vote”
- Gerrymandering creating districts
that favored the political party in power
25 years old
American citizen for 7 years
Inhabitant of the state that the congressman
2 year term
100 members (2 from each state)
30 years old
Nine years a citizen
A resident of the state that the senator
Congressional Powers
Collect taxes, pay debts, and provide for the
common defense and general welfare
Borrow money
Regulate commerce among the states and with
foreign countries
Establish uniform laws dealing with immigration
and naturalization and bankruptcies
Coin money
Make laws regarding the punishment for
Establish post offices
Make copyright laws
Establish federal courts in addition to the
Supreme Court
Define and punish piracy
Declare war
Raise and support armies and a navy
Create a national guard
powers: make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the
foregoing powers
Executive Powers
- 4
year term and are limited to 2 terms
35 years old
Natural born citizen
A resident of the U.S. for 14 years
To act as the commander in chief of the armed
Obtain information from members of the executive
Grant pardons
Make treaties with the consent of the senate
Appoint ambassadors, justices, and other
officials with the advice and consent of the Senate
Sing a legislation or veto legislation
Give Congress a State of the Union report
Call special sessions of the Congress
Inherent power of the president
Vice President: preside over the Senate and be the deciding vote if
there is a tie
Judicial Powers
None although most come from other federal judgeships
- Appointments
from the President must be approved by the Senate
- Most
cases heard in the Supreme Court come from appeals from state and federal
Balance of Power
- Checks
and Balances
- As
of 1990 there have been 2500 presidential vetos with 100 of them being
Features of our government and political system that have
an impact on the size and function of the presidency
- Role
of political parties
- Growth
of federal bureaucracy
- Development
and expansion of the information superhighway and the role of media
- Emergence
of the U.S.
as the last superpower, which puts tremendous responsibility on our
country’s leaders

- Relationship
between states and federal government
- Article
IV “full faith and credit” – mutual respect and legality of laws, public
records, and judicial decisions made by states
- Each
state is guaranteed a “Republican form of government”
- Supremacy
clause – “the Constitution , and the laws of the United States…
shall be the supreme law of the land”
- McCulloch
v Maryland
in 1819 judicial review
- States
have reserved powers
- Congress
cannot deny:
- Write
of habeas corpus
- Right
of appeal
- Pass
bill of attainder
- Predetermined
jail sentences imposed before a trial
- The
federal government can however put major restrictions on civil liberties
during war times
Provision for
- Amendments
can be classified in five ways:
- Creating
additional power for the federal government such as the legalization of
progressive income tax
- Limiting
power to the state governments such as prohibiting states from making
laws that deny equal protection for its citizens
- Adding
ht right of popular sovereignty to various groups such as former slaves,
women, and 18 year olds
- Taking
away and adding to the power of the voter to elect public officials
- Changing
the structure of government
- Amend
the Constitution
- A
2/3 vote in both houses of Congress and ratification in ¾ of the state
- 2/3
vote of Congress and a special ratifying convention in ¾ of the states
The Unwritten
- Congress
used the elastic clause to pass civil rights legislation, interpreted the
meaning of interstate commerce, passed a war powers at
- President
interpreted the Constitution to allow for executive privilege, ability to
protect personal material
- The
Constitution does not say anything about political parties, nominating
conventions, or primaries
- Supreme
court went beyond the constitutional parameters in establishing judicial
- Custom
and tradition play an important role ex. Cabinet
- Bicameral
Legislature: A legislature consisting of 2 houses.
- Checks
and Balances: a key aspect of the Constitution of the United States
protecting the balance of power among the three branches of
government. The concept was first
promoted by James Madison in the Federalist Papers.
- Concurrent
Power: Power shared by the state and federal government, such as the
power to tax.
- Elastic
clause: Found in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution, it gives
Congress the power to make “all laws necessary and proper” to carry out
the other defined powers of Congress.
- Electoral
college: Consists of presidential electors
from each state. The number of
electors is based on the state’s population. The states with the greatest population
have the most electoral votes. When
the voter casts a vote fro the president, in reality the vote goes to one
of the presidential electors designated by the candidate in that
state. The number of electors for
each state equals the number of senators and representatives
- Enumerated
powers: Delegated powers of Congress, including the power to collect
taxes, pay debts, provide the common defense and general welfare and
general welfare, regulate commerce along the states, coin money, and
declare war.
- Ex
post facto laws: Laws that take effect after the act takes place. Congress is prohibited from enacting
this type of legislation.
- Executive
privilege: The ability of the
president to protect personal material.
- Federalism:
The overall division of power between the federal government and state
government; as defined in the 10th Amendment of the
Constitution. It specifically tells
the states they have reserved powers.
Powers not delegated to the government by the Constitution are
given to respective states.
- Full
faith and credit: Phrase used to describe the mutual respect and
legality of laws, public records, and judicial decision made by
- Implied
power: A power that is reasonably necessary and
appropriate to carry out the purposes of a power
expressly granted; A power
that is not specifically delegated to the federal government by the U.S.
Constitution but that is implied by the necessary
and proper clause to be delegated for the purpose of carrying out the
enumerated powers.
- Inherent
power: Assumed powers of the president not specifically listed in the
Constitution. Inherent powers are
derived from the president’s role as chief executive.
- Judicial
review: The principle by which courts can declare acts of either the executive
branch or the legislative
branch unconstitutional.
- Preamble:
The introduction to the Constitution, outlining the goals of the
- Privileges
and immunities: The guarantees that the rights of citizens in one state
will be respected by other states.
Also a clause in the 14th Amendment that protects
citizens from abuses by a state.
- Reserved
Power Amendment: Found in the 10th amendment of the
Constitution, this explains the powers that the states are specifically granted,
which are called the reserved powers.
- Separation
of powers: originally developed by Montesquieu in The Spirit of Natural Laws written during the Enlightenment
and used by James Madison in Federalist No. 48. This important doctrine
resulted in the est. of three separate branches of government- the
legislative, executive and judicial branches, each having distinct and
unique powers.
- Supremacy
clause: Clause that states “the Constitution and all laws of the United States…
shall be the supreme law of the land.”
- Unwritten
constitution: traditions, precedent, and practice incorporated into
our form of government that add to the
Constitution’s elasticity and its viability. Political parties, the president’s
cabinet, political action comities, and the federal bureaucracy are
important examples.
- Writ
of habeas corpus: A writ that states the accused person must be
presented physically before the court with a statement demonstrating
sufficient cause for arrest. Thus, no accuser may imprison someone
indefinitely without bringing that person and the charges against him or
her into a courtroom. Basically,
the court must inform a person what they are being arrested for.