Background history
- April of 1945 FDR dies
- May 1, 1945 Hitler dies
- May 8, 1945 Germany surrenders
- Russia promises aid in 90 days
- July 16, 1945 America has 3 atomic bombs
- Los Alamos, New Mexico
- J. Robert Oppenheimer
- Manhattan Project
Progressive magazine article
- 20 megaton bomb on Chicago in July
- 72 degrees to 150 million degrees in a millionth of a sec
- 4 times hotter than the center of the sun
- we would be dead in 1 to 3 days from radiation
Where do you get your information to make a decision?
Cabinet – people – scientist – military – solo
MacArthur predicts 500,000 more American casualties and 18 more months of war
(less than 200,000 in 4 years)
Options: drop them – pull out – conventional war
August 6, 1945 at 8:15am we dropped a bomb on Hiroshima
- 66,000 people killed immediately
- 300,00 seriously injured
- US gives Japan four days to study the aftermath
August 8, 1945 Russia enters the war against Japan
- Allies England, France and Russia
- What happened to Germany after the war?
August 9, 1945 we drop a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki
- 25,000 people killed immediately
August 15, 1945 Japan surrenders